Blog Blaster is an automated tool to ping and submit your blogs to over 30+ blog search engines with just one click.
Blog Blaster is a software solution for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
“Ping” is the term used to submit a blog to a blog search engine. When you ping a blog, you are telling the search engine that you have updated your content and that your listing should be refreshed in the search results. Pinging your blogs to the search engines is the fastest way to get the search engine robots to visit your blog and gain increased traffic in a short amount of time.
The following blog search engines are supported by default:
Weblogs NewsGator Feed Burner Pingomatic Blo.gs
BlogRolling Technorati Feedster Blogdigger Moreover
Syndic8 My Yahoo! Weblogalot PubSub BlogStreet
1470.net Bitacoles Bitacoras Blogdb Blogoon
Blog Shares Blog Snow Blog.goo Laster Memory Ping.Blo.gs
Bloggers.jp Blogmura.jp Cocolog-Nifty Exblog My Blog
Topic Exchange Weblogues Blogg.de Google Blogs Add Your Own!
You no longer need to rely on a single ping site or web-based ping service to submit your blogs. You can now ping your blogs directly from your very own PC. Whether you only have 1 blog or 100 blogs, you can now ping them all with one click.
Use the Import button to read a list of blog URLs from a text file and instantly add them into the software. Blog Blaster will automatically fetch your blog title for each entry so that setup is a breeze.
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US,EU,RU,Canada Downloads
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